Bella's Bowtique Fundraiser for Abbygail Marie

>> Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bella Bowtique is doing a fundraiser for Abbygail Marie. If you have never seen Abbygail around Facbook or Twitter you should go check out their pages. She is on an amazing journey. For the details of the fundraiser visit Bella's blog.

I think what Bella's Bowtique is doing is wonderful. I've been following Abby for a few months and on top of all that is going on with Abby, her dad has been overseas (I think in Iraq). He is finally home now. I am amazed at this mom's strength and positive attitude that comes through her posts. She has helped be more thankful for my healthy active boys, and not to complain when my husband isn't very helpful around the house. If she can go through all this without her husband home there is no reason I can't take care of my home without the help of my husband (which he does help from time to time). We take for granted what we have until we see what others are going through and we realize that our life is so much easier and we have no business complaining.

My boys see Abby's picture from time to time while I'm on Facebook and they ask me who she is. I tell them that her name is Abby and she has a beau-beau on her head and we need to pray for her and we do pray for her. I love that my boys are concerned for others and want to pray for them when they see a need.

If you can't help by purchasing something from Bella's Bowtique please help by passing the word around.


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