Shame on YOU BP!
>> Friday, June 11, 2010
Ok so I just cannot resist saying something about this oil spill. I am from the New Orleans Area, I was not born there, but I have no recollection of ever living anywhere else. I LOVE Louisiana and there is no other place (that I've been) that is like it. I've lived in Texas, North Louisiana, Korea, Florida, and now in Mississippi, I have also visited several other states. I have never ever experienced the warm welcome as I've had when going to new places than I have when I go somewhere new in Louisiana. Everyone treats you like family in Louisiana and you are instantly accepted as you are, no matter where you are.
For example, when I was a growing up and new friends would come over most of the time you may be treated as a guest the first time you visited (open the door for you, we would offer you a drink, something to eat, get your glass for you maybe even serve you the food). After that you knock once and if the door was open let yourself in, you were then instructed to make yourself and home and help yourself to anything you wanted. This is how it was when I went to friends houses, sometimes you didn't get the initial guest treatment either, it was "welcome, make yourself at home." Now I don't know for sure that this doesn't happen other places, but I've never personally experienced it.
Ok so now that I'm done bragging on my State (I don't claim MS just yet). I am so upset with BP. They have been shady from the get go, not giving accurate information about how much oil was coming out and I'm sure other stuff too. I was listening to the local talk program where officials, residents, and other people in the know are calling in to give updates on what is actually going on down there. I tuned in while they were in the process of talking to one of Jefferson Parish's (that's county to those outside of LA, in case you were wondering) councilmen (not sure his name since they were already talking when I tuned it) and he was reporting some SHOCKING information. Well considering how shady BP has been, I guess I shouldn't have been shocked, but I was caught off guard.
This Councilmen was reporting that BP has hired security personnel walking the beaches early in the morning to pick up dead animals so the reporters can't show you what's really going on. I think he said something about these security personnel not allowing people on the beach also. Now I may have heard that wrong because I wasn't fully listening at that point, but I think that's what I heard. How in the world can a private security company not allow people to go on a private beach? If that is the case, and again I may not have my facts straight, there is something MAJORLY wrong with that!
I am sick of big corporations spending millions of dollars to cover up misdeals. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to the company to throw that money at fixing the problem than wasting it on ad campaigns that we know are just full of lies?
If you have not seen this video you need to. A grown man is begging for help from our congress and is in tears because his hands are tied! So BP I say to you SHAME ON YOU! SHAME ON YOU! I don't expect you to stop the oil leak, I don't expect you to save every bird, fish, turtle, or other sea creature. What I do expect from you is the TRUTH! I expect you to get the tools and equipment necessary for the clean up to the people who are willing to clean up. I expect you to try your hardest to get this leak fixed, and stop wasting money on ad's that aren't solving the problem. Get out of our peoples way and let us get it done!
I am a member of the Handmade Louisiana Team. We have opened an Etsy shop and every penny (minus listing fees) will be sent to a charity helping the cleanup. We are still voting on that charity, but I will let you know as soon as the decision is made.
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