Feature Friday

>> Friday, April 23, 2010

Today's Feature is H & J Star Creations

We will be getting to know this artisan a little each month because H & J Creations chooses a different charity each month to donate to. So for our first installment of getting to know H & J we will find out how she got started and why she chose her particular charity.

Tell me how you got started.

I always loved to sew, but actually started again when I did the costumes for my son's fifth grade play,. Then I discovered etsy, and realized I could do this and not overwhelm my family with bags and pouches. So it has been a great time, buying all the fabric I love, and making things.

She sounds like a great candidate to join Supply-A-Holics (another blog I contribute to)

Tell me a little about your charity and why it's you charity this month.

I do choose a different charity every month to donate to and this month since it is Autism Awareness month, and I have friends with Autistic children, my choice was Cure Autism Now. It is a research organization dedicated to finding a cure. My son, who is reading a book in school on Autism, will also be chipping in $10 of his allowance money.

I have several friends that have children who have Autism or are on the Spectrum. This cause is very near and dear to me. I love to hear stories of families doing charity together. I know it brings tears to my eyes when my boys (5 and 3 1/2) tell me they want to give money to the missionary.

If you would like to find out more about Cure Autism Now click here.
Note: Cure Autism Now and Autism Speaks have merged and operate under the name Autism Speaks.


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